
Structure and governance

LIBPhys includes researchers from NOVA University of Lisbon, University of Coimbra and University of Lisbon. Its governance includes the Scientific Committee (SC), the Executive Committee (EC) and the External Advisory Board (EAB).

The SC, which includes all research integrated members, maintains and develops the scientific integrity of the research unit, and promotes better networking of expertise within the industry and with academia and government organizations. It is responsible for formulating an appropriate scientific strategy, electing the Unit director (UD), and ratifying the coordinators of the three institutional groups (IG) and research thematic lines (RTL).

The EC comprises the UD, which lead the research unit, the coordinators of the IG and the coordinators of the RTL. Nevertheless, each RTL line will have its own management committee, which includes the RTL coordinator and the main responsible for the different R&D programs.

The coordinator of each IG, proposed by their members, will be the responsible for the liaison between the Unit and the respective Institution as well as for the management of logistics and financial issues available to each group. The coordinator of each RTL is the responsible for the coordination and management of the scientific programs and related issues.

The present research unit will follow a matrix structure management, which enables a transversal functional management that crosses traditional vertical research units of function and geography. In this kind of management researchers with similar skills are pooled for projects assignments. The implementation of this kind of structure seeks the following: to be able to respond more flexibly to the challenges of a task; to increase cooperation and communication across the research of the thematic lines and unlock resources apparently inaccessible to the rest of the research unit; to develop broader capabilities among the researchers.


José Paulo Santos


Coordination of the Institutional Groups

José Paulo Santos
Joaquim Santos
António Mata



Fundamental Parameters and Metrology: José Paulo Santos

Cryogenic, Electronics and Radiation Detection Instrumentation: Joaquim Santos

Analytical Techniques Development and Application: Sofia Pessanha

Biomedical Engineering: João Cardoso


International Collaborations

Webdesign Megasites