LIB Phys
About LIBPhys
Fundamental Parameters And Metrology
Cryogenic, Electronics And Radiation Detection Instrumentation
Analytical Techniques Development And Application
Biomedical Engineering
Complete Soldering/DeSoldering Workstation for Electronics equipment with microscope and fume extraction
3D Printers for prototype manufacture
Optics Lab
Several Electronics Test and Measurement Equipment (GEI group)
Science and Society
Technology transfer, industry and spin-offs
Advanced Training
Thesis Proposals
Theses opportunities
Scientific articles
Master Theses
PhD Theses
Fundamental Parameters And Metrology
Advanced Computing Consortium
CREMA (Charge Radius Experiment with Muonic Atoms) Consortium
Ultra-high-accuracy X-ray spectroscopy of transition metal oxides and rare earths
Measurement of fundamental nuclear decay data using metallic magnetic calorimeters (MetroMMC) – EURAMET 17FUN02
Cryogenic, Electronics And Radiation Detection Instrumentation
Development of novel approaches for thermal neutron detection
DOMINOES – Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services
FleXunity – Scaling-up Power Flexible Communities business models empowered by Blockchain and AI
inteGRIDy – integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies
Participation in the XENON1T and XENONnT experiments
Participation in the RD51 Collaboration at CERN
Transforming Losses Calculation in High Temperature Superconducting Power Systems
Detection of the neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in Xe-136: the NEXT experiment
Study and development of large area Photon Induced Scintillation Amplifiers (PISA) for High-Energy Physics
Development of ultra-thin sheets with boron-10 for position- sensitive neutron detectors
XENON - Dark Matter Direct Detection
Cryogenics Laboratory
H2 Energy Storage Unit Operating in the 15-20 K temperature range
Vibration free 80 K cryocooler
Cryogen free cold source management
Ultra-high-accuracy X-ray spectroscopy of transition metal oxides and rare earths (SPECTRE) – FCT 31969
Analytical Techniques Development And Application
Material, Culture, Scientific Culture: Industrial Heritage for the Future
Phosphogypsum Processing to Critical Raw Materials
INDEO – Infra-red in the performance of operational dogs
Multi-spectral facial recognition
De artibus in auream Goa: preparing the image. Transcontextuality in the golden century of Portuguese painting
IH4Future - Material culture, scientific culture: industrial heritage for the future
Biomedical Engineering
AISym4MED Synthetic and scalable data platform for medical empowered AI
Design and Fabrication of MultiFunctional Implants
ETERNITY - European Training Network on Electromagnetic Risks in Medical Technology
Games Inclusion Lab: Participatory Media Creation Processes for Accessibility
Operator - Digital Transformation in Industry with Focus on the Operator 4.0
PlayersAll: media agency and empowerment
PrevOcupAI - Prevention of occupational disorders in Public Administrations based on Artificial Intelligence
Sea2See: Bio-inspired materials for fish spoilage control
Single Pixel Imaging for phosphorescence lifetime measurements in biomedical markers
e-NABLE 3D printing Center for Health
Laser Speckle Analysis for Microcirculation Depth Profiling (FCT 01238/2013/CP1155/CT0004)
Single Pixel Imaging for phosphorescence lifetime measurements in biomedical markers. (PTDC/EMD-TLM/30295/2017)
INSIDE: Intelligent Networked Robot Systems for Symbiotic Interaction with Children with Impaired Development (CMUP-ERI/HCI/0051/2013)
AHA: Augmented Human Assistance
Valorização de trigo duro de qualidade superior para o fabrico de massas alimentícias
Games Inclusion Lab: Participatory Media Creation Processes for Accessibility
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