Measurement of fundamental nuclear decay data using metallic magnetic calorimeters (MetroMMC) – EURAMET 17FUN02
Radioactive elements have been of significant scientific and technological interest ever since their discovery. They undergo change in a variety of ways, Electron Capture (EC) decay being one such pathway. New theoretical calculation techniques and measurement improvements for this process would deliver wide-ranging benefits, including: greater knowledge of the effects of EC decay at the DNA level in cancer therapy; a better understanding of the early history of the solar system; updated and improved radionuclide standards data.
This project will improve novel detection techniques and theoretical models to understand better the behaviour of radioactive elements undergoing EC decay. X-ray emissions from selected radionuclides will be measured more precisely, using recently developed Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters (MMCs) and Microwave Coupled Resonators (MCRs); the high-precision experimental data to be obtained will help validate modelling and calculations. The potential for MMC and MCR detector systems will be demonstrated, with project results delivering improved theoretical methods and standards data for users in nuclear physics.
135,000.00 €
Project responsible
José Paulo Moreira dos Santos